The data we use is potentially all the sensors on your device, including (if present and enabled) location, accelerometer, compass, etc.
Additionally, we also access the microphone and the camera.
For the microphone, we only share the volume level, meaning no one can eavesdrop on you through PhoneIoT.
For the camera, only still-shot images taken with the PhoneIoT app are accessible, and you must explicitly request (and accept) any new images you take (no one can remotely take a picture from your camera without your permission).
We do not collect any of your data; it is used while the app is running for access by NetsBlox and any connected clients, but we do not store any of your sensor or image/sound data long-term.
Who can access your information
Upon starting the app, a random password is generated and displayed at the top of the screen.
Once the device is connected to the NetsBlox server, this password can be used to access any of the information you share.
The app will never transmit your password unencrypted, so you are in control of who has access to your data.
For added security, the app disallows any data requests made while the app is in the background or the screen is off unless the "Run in Background" setting is explicitly enabled (defaults to disabled).
Additionally, the password expires after one day, meaning even if your password were compromised it will resecure itself automatically.
About PhoneIoT
The PhoneIoT app allows you to access your mobile device's sensors from NetsBlox, a block-based programming environment.
Copyright 2020-2022 Vanderbilt University